What Animal has the Strongest Bite Force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

What animal has the strongest bite force?

The animals with the strongest bite forces are fascinating creatures and their incredible jaw strength is a testament to their evolution and adaptation. The ability to bite with immense pressure can help these animals catch and kill prey, defend themselves from predators, and even crush tough plant materials. Some of the animals with the greatest bite force include crocodiles, sharks, hippos, and gorillas. All of these animals have unique adaptations that allow them to produce incredible amounts of force with their jaws, from specialized teeth and jaw muscles to strong, reinforced skulls.

The animal with the strongest bite force is the saltwater crocodile, which has a bite force of about 3,700 pounds per square inch (psi). This means its bite is strong enough to crush the skull of its prey, which includes animals as large as water buffalo and sharks. Other animals with strong bites are the Nile crocodile, the American alligator and certain species of sharks, such as the great white shark.

The 10 animals with the strongest bite force in the world


Animal name

bite force

(Pounds per square inch)

Nile crocodile

5,000 psi

Saltwater crocodile


American crocodile



1,800 psi


1,500 psi

Bull shark



1,300 psi

Polar Bear

1200 psi

Grizzly bear



1,100 psi

The 10 animals with the strongest bite force

1. Nile crocodile

Nile crocodiles, found in sub-Saharan Africa, have a bite force of 5,000 PSI, which they use to crush their prey before swallowing them, often whole. Despite being smaller than saltwater crocodiles, Nile crocodiles are very aggressive and territorial, using their powerful bite to destroy any prey that dares to venture near the water. Although their diet consists mainly of fish, they have been known to attack larger animals as well.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

2. Saltwater crocodile

The saltwater crocodile, also known as the ‘saltie’ and the largest living reptile, can grow up to 7 m in length and weigh around 1,000 kg for males and slightly less for females. They hide along the water’s edge, waiting to ambush their prey in a violent charge. These “living fossils” have remained virtually unchanged for 100 million years. Bite force: 3700 PSI, Distribution: India, Southeast Asia, Australia. The saltwater crocodile’s bite force is used to grip prey while performing a kill roll.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

3. American alligator

The American alligator has a bite force of 2125 PSI, making it one of the strongest animals. These opportunistic predators, found primarily in the southern region of the United States, can use their powerful jaws to take down a variety of prey, from snakes and fish to mammals and insects. In fact, a study by researchers at Florida State University found that an alligator bite could even lift a small truck.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

4. hippopotamus

Hippos have the largest mouth and teeth of all land mammals; Its canine teeth are about 71 cm long and grow continuously. In fact, the largest hippopotamus canine tooth ever recorded measured a whopping 122 cm long! Despite being herbivores, hippos have a fearsome bite force that they use to defend themselves against top predators or to fight with other hippos. Bite force: 1,800 PSI. Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]


Jaguars, being opportunistic hunters, have a diverse palate and will hunt almost any animal. With their powerful jaws, they can take down prey weighing up to four times their own weight with a single bite to the back of the skull. Bite force: 1500 PSI. Distribution: Southwest United States, Central America, South America. The force of the jaguar’s bite is used to cut through the armored skin of crocodiles, the shells of turtles and tortoises, as well as to crush bones.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

6. bull shark

The bull shark, which can be found in warm coastal areas, rivers and lakes around the world, has more teeth than other shark species, with up to 350 teeth present at any given time. The shark’s mouth works like a conveyor belt, with the teeth in the back row moving forward to replace an old tooth that falls out near the edge of the jaw. Over the course of their lifetime, bull sharks can grow up to 50,000 teeth, which explains why shark teeth are found so frequently in the fossil record. With a bite force of 1,350 PSI, bull sharks have a very varied diet, from oysters and turtles to baby hippos and even other sharks.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]


Although gorillas have a powerful bite force, they are mostly herbivores. They use their strong jaws to remove bark from trees, starting with the outer layer and then separating the sweet inner bark from the discarded outer bark on trees like Militia. With a bite force of 1300 PSI, gorillas use their powerful teeth to chew through hard branches and strip bark from trees. Gorillas are typically found in the forests of central Africa.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

8. polar bear

Polar bears, part of the Ursidae family, have the strongest bite force of all bear species. They are unique among bears in that they are classified as marine mammals. Their large canine teeth, which can grow up to 5 cm, are specifically adapted to hunt prey in the Arctic, mainly ringed and bearded seals. However, polar bears feed opportunistically and also scavenge carcasses, in addition to feeding on other mammals, vegetation, birds and eggs. With a bite force of 1,200 PSI, polar bears use their powerful jaws to chew through the thick blubber of Arctic animals. They are mainly found in the Arctic Circle.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

9. grizzly bear

Hikers are often advised to stay away from grizzly bears for good reason. In addition to its enormous size and sharp claws, its bite is capable of effortlessly crushing a human skull or a bowling ball. Grizzly bears, found in Canada and the US, have a bite force of 1,160 PSI, which they use to tear the flesh of animals and break the bones of their large prey.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

10. Hyena

With conical-shaped premolars and teeth specialized for crushing and breaking bones, hyenas are carnivorous mammals that leave no part of the carcass unused. Their strong jaws and wide molars, along with highly concentrated hydrochloric acid in their stomach, also allow them to digest bones. Hyenas are predominantly found in sub-Saharan Africa and have a bite force of 1100 PSI, which they use to grind bones and extract the nutritious marrow.

What animal has the strongest bite force? [Top 10 List With PSI]

What animal has the strongest bite in the world?

The strongest bite force known in the entire animal kingdom belongs to the crocodile, specifically the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile. The saltwater crocodile has the highest recorded “live” bite force: 3700 PSI, while The Nile crocodile is estimated to have a bite force of 4000 to 5000 PSI. These powerful predators use the force of their bite to grab and crush their prey, often swallowing them whole after a deadly roll. It is important to remember to stay a safe distance from these top predators in their natural habitat.

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Categories: Top 10 News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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