Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time – Ranking the Best

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

Best Finishers in WWE of All Time

“Best Finishers in WWE of all Time” refers to a list or ranking of the most impressive and effective signature moves or finishing maneuvers performed by professional wrestlers in the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) over the years. A finishing move, also known as a finisher, is a move or sequence of moves that a wrestler uses to incapacitate their opponent and secure a pinfall or submission victory in a match.

The ranking of the best finishers can be based on a variety of factors, including the level of crowd reaction or “pop” it generates, the creativity and originality of the move, its difficulty or level of risk, and its historical significance or impact on the sport. The list may include finishing moves performed by past and present WWE superstars, such as Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Stone Cold Stunner, The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver, John Cena’s Attitude Adjustment, The Rock’s Rock Bottom, and many others. The ranking is subjective and can vary depending on the individual opinions of fans, analysts, and wrestlers themselves.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time

Here is the list of the top 10 finishers in WWE of all time:


WWE Players


Tombstone Piledriver – The Undertaker


Stone Cold Stunner – ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin


F5 – Brock Lesnar


Sweet Chin Music – Shawn Michaels


RKO – Randy Orton


Pedigree – Triple H


Choke Slam – Kane


Jackhammer – Goldberg


Spear – Edge


Sharpshooter – Bret Hart

1. Tombstone Piledriver – The Undertaker

The Tombstone Piledriver is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler The Undertaker, and it is considered one of the most iconic finishing moves in wrestling history. The move involves grabbing an opponent by the waist, lifting them up upside down and holding them in a seated position on the wrestler’s shoulders, and then dropping down to the mat, driving the opponent’s head and neck into the canvas.

The Tombstone Piledriver is known for its dramatic impact and the way it showcases The Undertaker’s immense strength and presence. It has been used by The Undertaker as his finishing move throughout his long and storied career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most memorable matches and feuds. While the move is highly effective and visually impressive, it is also considered a high-risk maneuver, as any mistake or error in execution could result in serious injury to both the wrestler performing the move and the opponent receiving it. As a result, the move is often reserved for special occasions or high-profile matches.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

2. Stone Cold Stunner – ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

The Stone Cold Stunner is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, and it is widely considered one of the most popular and recognizable finishing moves in wrestling history. The move involves grabbing an opponent by the head, jumping up in the air, and driving the opponent’s chin and neck into the wrestler’s shoulder as they land on their back.

The Stone Cold Stunner was a key element in Austin’s character as a rebellious antihero, and it often played a pivotal role in his many legendary matches and feuds. The move was known for its quick and sudden execution, as well as its ability to surprise opponents and turn the tide of a match in Austin’s favor. The move’s popularity and impact on wrestling culture were such that it has been imitated by countless other wrestlers over the years, and it remains a defining element of Austin’s legacy as one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

3. F5 – Brock Lesnar

The F5 is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Brock Lesnar. The move involves grabbing an opponent by the waist, lifting them up onto Lesnar’s shoulders, and then spinning them around before slamming them face-first into the mat. The F5 is known for its explosive power and the way it showcases Lesnar’s immense strength and athleticism. It has been used by Lesnar as his finishing move throughout his career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most high-profile matches and feuds.

The move’s effectiveness and impact have made it a feared and respected finishing move in the world of professional wrestling. It has been used to defeat some of the biggest and strongest wrestlers in the industry, and it remains a key element of Lesnar’s persona as one of the most dominant and fearsome competitors in the history of the WWE.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

4. Sweet Chin Music – Shawn Michaels

Sweet Chin Music is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Shawn Michaels, also known as “The Heartbreak Kid”. The move involves delivering a superkick to an opponent’s chin, usually after some sort of setup or distraction. Sweet Chin Music is known for its lightning-fast execution and its ability to stun opponents and knock them out cold. It has been used by Michaels as his finishing move throughout his long and successful career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most iconic matches and feuds.

The move is also notable for the way it is often used to turn the tide of a match or provide a dramatic, come-from-behind victory for Michaels. Its reputation as a deadly and unpredictable finishing move has made it one of the most popular and enduring finishing maneuvers in wrestling history, and it remains a defining element of Michaels’ legacy as one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

5. RKO – Randy Orton

The RKO is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Randy Orton, also known as “The Viper”. The move involves grabbing an opponent’s head and neck, jumping into the air, and driving the opponent’s face into the mat with a falling cutter maneuver. The RKO is known for its sudden and unpredictable execution, as well as its ability to catch opponents off guard and lead to quick and decisive victories for Orton. It has been used by Orton as his finishing move throughout his career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most high-profile matches and feuds.

The move’s popularity and impact have made it one of the most recognizable and respected finishing moves in wrestling today. It has been used to defeat some of the biggest and toughest opponents in the industry, and it remains a key element of Orton’s persona as one of the most dangerous and dominant competitors in the WWE.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

6. Pedigree – Triple H

The Pedigree is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Triple H, also known as “The Game”. The move involves holding an opponent’s arms behind their back, placing their head between the wrestler’s thighs, and then falling forward to drive the opponent’s face into the mat. The Pedigree is known for its power and impact, as well as its ability to showcase Triple H’s strength and technical skill. It has been used by Triple H as his finishing move throughout his long and illustrious career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most memorable matches and feuds.

The move’s effectiveness and versatility have made it one of the most iconic and respected finishing moves in wrestling history. It has been used to defeat opponents of all sizes and styles, and it remains a defining element of Triple H’s persona as one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

7. Choke Slam – Kane

The Choke Slam is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Kane, also known as “The Big Red Machine”. The move involves grabbing an opponent by the throat, lifting them up into the air, and then slamming them down onto the mat with force. The Choke Slam is known for its impressive height and impact, as well as its ability to showcase Kane’s size and strength. It has been used by Kane as his finishing move throughout his long and storied career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most memorable matches and feuds.

The move’s reputation as a devastating and intimidating finishing move has made it a favorite among fans of professional wrestling. It has been used to defeat opponents of all shapes and sizes, and it remains a key element of Kane’s persona as one of the most dominant and imposing competitors in the history of the WWE.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

8. Jackhammer – Goldberg

The Jackhammer is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Goldberg, also known as “Da Man”. The move involves lifting an opponent into the air in a vertical suplex position and then dropping them down to the mat in a modified powerslam. The Jackhammer is known for its explosive power and the way it showcases Goldberg’s incredible strength and athleticism. It has been used by Goldberg as his finishing move throughout his career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most high-profile matches and feuds.

The move’s impact and intensity have made it a feared and respected finishing move in the world of professional wrestling. It has been used to defeat some of the toughest and most talented wrestlers in the industry, and it remains a key element of Goldberg’s persona as one of the most dominant and formidable competitors in the history of the WWE.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

9. Spear – Edge

The Spear is a signature finishing move of WWE wrestler Edge, also known as “The Rated-R Superstar”. The move involves charging at an opponent and tackling them to the ground with a powerful spear to the midsection. The Spear is known for its explosive impact and its ability to quickly turn the tide of a match. It has been used by Edge as his finishing move throughout his career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most memorable matches and feuds.

The move’s reputation as a high-impact and crowd-pleasing finishing move has made it a favorite among fans of professional wrestling. It has been used to defeat opponents of all sizes and styles, and it remains a defining element of Edge’s persona as one of the most exciting and dynamic WWE superstars of all time.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best

10. Sharpshooter – Bret Hart

The Sharpshooter is a signature submission move of WWE wrestler Bret Hart, also known as “The Hitman”. The move involves turning an opponent over onto their stomach, stepping over their legs, and then applying pressure to their lower back and legs by sitting down and crossing their legs over the opponent’s.

The Sharpshooter is known for its technical precision and effectiveness as a submission hold. It has been used by Bret Hart as his finishing move throughout his long and successful career in the WWE, and has played a significant role in many of his most memorable matches and feuds. The move’s reputation as a devastating and hard-to-escape submission hold has made it one of the most respected and feared finishing moves in wrestling history. It has been used to defeat opponents of all shapes and sizes, and it remains a defining element of Bret Hart’s persona as one of the most skilled and accomplished technical wrestlers in the WWE.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE of All Time - Ranking the Best


Who is No 1 in WWE All Time?

If you’re ever in the presence of a wrestling fan and you hear the sound of shattering glass, chances are they will immediately start looking around for “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. This iconic entrance theme and sound has become synonymous with Austin’s legendary wrestling career, and is one of the most recognizable and beloved entrance themes in WWE history. Austin’s impact on the world of professional wrestling is undeniable, and his attitude, rebellious nature, and ability to connect with audiences helped him become one of the biggest stars in the industry. His influence can still be felt today, as many current wrestlers cite him as a major inspiration and influence on their own careers.

Top 10 Finishers in WWE 2022

Here is the list of the top 10 finishers in WWE of 2022:


WWE Finishers


Chris Jericho’s Liontamer


John Cena’s Attitude Adjustment off a ladder


CM Punk’s G.T.S


Brock Lesnar’s Double F5


Ember Moon’s Eclipse


Walter’s Avalanche Powerbomb


Moonsault through the announce table


Stone Cold Stunner


Randy Orton’s Catching RKO


The Undertaker’s Chokeslam off Hell In A Cell

The Evolution of WWE Finishers: From Classic to Modern 

Finishers in WWE have undergone significant changes throughout the years, reflecting shifts in wrestling styles, storytelling, and the evolving tastes of fans. From classic moves that defined wrestling legends to modern innovations that push the limits of what is possible in the ring, the evolution of WWE finishers is a fascinating journey that reflects the rich history and ongoing evolution of the sport.

In the early days of WWE, finishers were relatively simple and straightforward. Moves like the Bear Hug, Sleeper Hold, and Camel Clutch were popular among wrestlers, often serving as the culmination of a match after a series of intense physical exchanges. These classic finishers relied on a wrestler’s strength and technique to overpower their opponent and secure the victory.

As wrestling entered the “Attitude Era” of the late 1990s and early 2000s, finishers became more elaborate and over-the-top, reflecting the increasingly wild and unpredictable nature of the sport. The Stone Cold Stunner, for example, became one of the most iconic finishers of all time, with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin stunning opponents with a vicious kick to the midsection and a forceful arm movement that drove their face into the mat.

In the modern era of WWE, finishers have continued to evolve, with wrestlers pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the ring. High-flying moves like the 450 Splash and Shooting Star Press have become popular among wrestlers, allowing them to showcase their athleticism and agility in dramatic fashion. The RKO, a move popularized by Randy Orton, combines speed, precision, and surprise to deliver a devastating finishing blow that can end a match in an instant.

Despite the changes in style and technique over the years, finishers remain a critical component of the WWE experience, providing fans with thrilling moments of action and drama that capture the spirit of the sport. As the world of wrestling continues to evolve and adapt, it is likely that finishers will continue to play a central role in defining the legends and moments that make WWE one of the most exciting and enduring forms of entertainment in the world.

Analyzing the Technique and Impact of WWE’s Most Famous Finishers

WWE’s most famous finishers are some of the most iconic moves in the history of the sport, and they have had a significant impact on the evolution of wrestling as a form of entertainment. From the Tombstone Piledriver to the Sweet Chin Music, analyzing the technique and impact of these signature moves can provide insights into what makes them so effective and beloved by fans.

One of the most famous finishers in WWE history is the Tombstone Piledriver, a move that was popularized by The Undertaker. The technique involves lifting an opponent onto one’s shoulders, then gripping their head between the thighs and dropping to a kneeling position, driving the opponent’s head into the mat. The move is incredibly effective because it creates a sense of danger and suspense, with the opponent’s head coming dangerously close to the mat. It has become a defining element of The Undertaker’s persona and has been used to defeat some of the most iconic wrestlers in WWE history.

Another famous finisher is the Sweet Chin Music, which was popularized by Shawn Michaels. The move involves delivering a powerful kick to the opponent’s chin, typically after setting them up with a feint or distraction. The Sweet Chin Music is a crowd-pleaser because it is visually impressive and can be executed quickly, catching opponents off guard and delivering a satisfying and decisive finish. The RKO, made famous by Randy Orton, is another signature move that has had a significant impact on the world of wrestling. The move involves grabbing an opponent’s head and pulling them down to the mat while simultaneously falling forward, driving the opponent’s head and neck into the mat. The RKO is effective because it can be executed from almost any position, allowing Orton to surprise opponents with sudden and unexpected finishes. Analyzing the technique and impact of these finishers highlights the importance of creating memorable and effective moves that capture the imagination of fans. Whether it is through raw power, speed, or technical precision, these signature moves have become defining elements of the wrestlers who use them and have contributed to the enduring popularity of WWE as a form of entertainment.

The Impact of Finishers on WWE Storylines and Fan Culture

Finishers in WWE have had a significant impact not only on the in-ring action but also on the storylines and fan culture surrounding the sport. From creating memorable moments that define a wrestler’s legacy to generating excitement and anticipation among fans, finishers have become an integral part of the WWE experience. One of the ways that finishers impact WWE storylines is by providing a clear sense of closure and finality to matches. When a wrestler delivers their signature move and secures the pinfall or submission, it provides a decisive end to the match that helps to resolve the conflict between the competitors. This sense of closure is essential for building compelling narratives in wrestling, as it allows for a clear resolution to the story being told.

In addition to providing closure, finishers can also be used to create dramatic moments that are etched into the memories of fans. The Stone Cold Stunner, for example, was often used by Steve Austin to deliver stunning finishes that left opponents lying motionless in the ring. These moments created a sense of shock and excitement among fans, and they became defining moments in Austin’s career. Finishers also play an important role in fan culture, with many fans eagerly anticipating their favorite wrestler’s signature move during a match. Finishers are often a point of discussion and debate among fans, with many arguing over which moves are the most effective, impressive, or memorable. This culture of appreciation for finishers has led to many wrestlers developing elaborate and visually stunning moves that are designed to capture the attention of fans and leave a lasting impression.

Overall, the impact of finishers on WWE storylines and fan culture cannot be overstated. These signature moves have become defining elements of the wrestlers who use them, providing a sense of closure, drama, and excitement that is essential for the ongoing success of WWE as a form of entertainment. Whether it is through the raw power of moves like the Tombstone Piledriver or the technical precision of the Sharpshooter, finishers will continue to be an essential part of the WWE experience for years to come.

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Categories: Top 10 News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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