LoL Patch 13.17 Preview, LoL Patch 13.17 Release Date

LoL Patch 13.17 Preview

Get ready for the imminent arrival of the next League of Legends patch as Riot divulges crucial information about upcoming balance changes and quality-of-life improvements coming soon to Summoner’s Rift.

Balance on the Horizon: Champion Adjustments

As we delve into the upcoming balance adjustments, a landscape-altering metamorphosis looms on the horizon. Dreams of witnessing Blitzcrank’s jungle dominance at the League of Legends World Championship have been dashed as Riot orchestrates sweeping overhauls for this bot lane champion and others.

Blitzcrank’s metamorphosis

The spotlight turns to Blitzcrank in this iteration, heralding momentous changes that will reshape the League of Legends environment. However, these transformations bring news of the end of their versions outside the meta, redirecting them towards a dedicated support function. Fundamental metrics:

  • Health: 633 >>> 650
  • Magic Resist: 28 >>> 32
  • Attack Speed: .65 >>>.625
  • Attack Speed ​​Ratio: .7 >>> .625
  • W – Overdrive:
  • Mana Cost: 85 >>> 75
  • Attack Speed: 30% – 82% >>> 30% – 70%
  • Skipped Impact Damage
  • E – Power Fist:
  • Mana Cost: 40 to 25

Bonus damage to monsters and minions nullified This comprehensive overhaul impacts all of Blitzcrank’s versatility, reducing his dominance in various positions and reducing his effectiveness in jungle and top lane roles.

Modifications for Sylas

Sylas is also receiving adjustments in League patch 13.17. Following the buffs given in the previous 13.16 patch, Riot is fixing a long-standing bug that has lingered in Sylas’ kit for the past few years. E – Escape/Abduction: Knockdown Duration: 0.35 >>> 0.5s

Innovations in the arsenal of artifacts

Within this League of Legends patch, Riot Games reveals substantial modifications to its arsenal of artifacts. Duskblade is getting more buffs, while Statikk Shiv is facing steep nerfs.

Draktharr’s Twilight Blade

Annihilates incoming projectiles when activated No longer grants immunity to existing damage (eg, damage-over-time effects) Shielded from targeted and area-of-effect spells; Excluded from invulnerability to turret fire.

Statikk’s Dagger

AP ratio reduced from 30% to 15% This potent recalibration of Statikk Shiv sparks contemplation regarding its reintroduction to the realm of League of Legends, followed by successive revisions.

Higher elevations and additions

New Champion Icons – In LoL patch 13.17, all current League of Legends champions will get new summoner icons. Additionally, newly revealed champions will receive custom icons upon their debut. A Revival of the Essence Emporium: The Blue Essence Emporium returns, giving players a long-awaited opportunity to spend their accumulated Blue Essence on exclusive icons, emotes, and chromas.

Modernized Multi-Champion Spell Icons – As part of this patch’s initiative to modernize older champions, the multi-champion spell icons will be refined and modernized. Introducing New Skins: A quintet of new skins are ready for release, with the Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin skin taking center stage. This pioneering addition is set to incorporate a gacha system, introduced so far on the Chinese server and Riot’s TFT.

Lol Patch 13.17 Champion Adjustments

Get ready for some significant changes to the realm of League of Legends as Blitzcrank is set to undergo some major overhaul in the next patch. Sadly, Riot’s decision to discontinue his strategies outside of the meta marks a definitive return to the support role for him, leaving other avenues behind.

fundamental attributes

  • Health: 633 >>> 650
  • Magic Resist: 28 >>> 32
  • Attack Speed: .65 >>> .625
  • Attack Speed ​​Ratio: .7 >>> .625

W – Overdrive

  • Mana Cost: 85 >>> 75
  • Attack Speed: 30% – 82% >>> 30% – 70%
  • impact damage removed

E – Power Fist Mana

  • Cost: 40 >>> 25
  • Bonus damage to monsters and minions removed


  • E – Rising Dread
  • Base Slow: 50% >>> 30%
  • Health Ratio: 8% Missing >>> 5%


  • Q – Test your
  • Fear Bonus AD Rate: 115% >>> 105%


  • W – Blade Reach
  • Bonus AD Ratio: 130% >>> 100%


  • W-Attractive
  • Slow: 65% >>> 30%

E – Whiplash

  • Improved Base Damage: 75 – 175 >>> 65 – 165

R – Last caress


Sylas also deals with some adjustments in League patch 13.17. Following the buffs managed in patch 13.16, Riot is now turning its attention to rectifying a persistent bug that has persisted in the Sylas toolset for the past few years.

E – Escape/Kidnapping

  • Knock-up Duration: 0.35 >>> 0.5s

LoL Patch 13.17 Release Date

Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated release of Patch 13.17, scheduled to make its debut on August 30, igniting fervor among League of Legends fans. As the curtain rises on Worlds 2023, Riot Games prepares to infuse impactful transformations, bringing renewed vigor to the game in perfect sync with its eminent flagship tournament. Stay tuned for the timing of the LoL Patch 13.17 release and server maintenance:

  • NA: 3:00 am (Pacific Time)
  • EUW: 5:00 UK time
  • EUNE: 3:00 CET

League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) stands as a fascinating multiplayer online battle arena game (MOBA), where two teams of five players each engage in fierce combat to dismantle their opponent’s base. With a global player base exceeding 100 million, LoL offers an exciting free-to-play experience.

Plunging into the fight of LoL, players are immersed in an adrenaline-pumping arena that demands both sharp reflexes and strategic acumen. By guiding unique champions, each endowed with distinct abilities, participants collaborate to defeat opposing forces.

The game takes place in three different lanes: top, mid and bottom, each protecting their turret. The triumphant team is the one that conquers the enemy turrets and accesses the rival base ahead, achieving victory.

League of Legends thrives within its dynamic community, providing diverse game modes, including the acclaimed “ARAM” (All Random All Mid) variant, where champions are randomly selected for single lane matchups. Regular updates and the introduction of new champions ensure a perpetually rejuvenated and exhilarating gaming experience.

In the middle of the streets, dominate the vast jungle, inhabited by neutral monsters ready to be eliminated to harvest gold and experience. Mastering these jungle creatures can give players a tactical advantage against their opponents.

LoL’s allure extends to its robust esports scene, with the annual League of Legends World Championship wowing audiences around the world as one of the most watched esports spectacles.

League of Legends gameplay

League of Legends is a fast-paced, strategic multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game with gameplay that is both complex and rewarding. The game is played on a map called Summoner’s Rift, with two teams of five players each facing off against each other.

The object of the game is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus, a structure located at their base while defending your own Nexus. Players control a champion with unique abilities and strengths and work together with their team to push each lane and take out enemy turrets, inhibitors, and eventually the Nexus.

One of the most critical aspects of League of Legends gameplay is the use of gold and experience points. Players earn gold by defeating minions, monsters, and enemy champions, which they can then spend on items that enhance their champions’ abilities. Experience points are earned by killing minions and other monsters, helping champions level up and gain new abilities.

League of Legends gameplay also involves a wide variety of champions, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Some champions focus on dealing damage from a distance, while others excel at melee combat or supporting their allies. Players must choose their champion wisely and work together with their team to take advantage of each champion’s strengths and weaknesses.

Another essential aspect of the League of Legends game is teamwork. Players must work together to coordinate their attacks, protect their allies, and defeat enemy champions. Communication is key and players must be constantly aware of their surroundings and work together to achieve victory.

The gameplay of League of Legends is challenging and requires strategic thinking and quick reflexes. The game offers a deep and immersive experience for players, with a huge variety of champions, items, and strategies to explore. Whether playing for fun or competing on the esports scene, League of Legends offers an exciting and rewarding gaming experience.

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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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