Immortality Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, and Wiki

immortality walkthrough

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of the Immortality series, spanning “Ambrosio,” “Minsky,” and the final segment, “Two of Everything.” Written by Kanishka Thakur, Angie Harvey, Wiki_Creation_Bot, and a collaborative team, this step-by-step guide presents a detailed exploration of each chapter. The information provided has been updated as of October 6, 2022.

Closure and Exploration

“Two of Everything” marks the final chapter in the Immortality series, offering fans the closure they’ve been waiting for while retaining an air of haunting intrigue. Those looking to discover the hidden ending are encouraged to explore the secret clips page, and for a comprehensive understanding of the narrative’s progression, the Immortality tutorial hub serves as a valuable resource.

Breakdown by chapter


“Ambrosio” introduces Marissa, a character who harbors her own mysteries.

Hidden secrets can be revealed through carefully activated secret clips.

The story revolves around the manipulation of a Catholic priest by a woman posing as a monk, delving into sinister events.


In “Minsky,” Marissa’s involvement reveals deeper insights.

Secret clips provide priceless glimpses into the intricate relationship between The One and The Other.

The narrative revolves around Marissa’s role in the film’s dynamic and enigmatic plot.

two of everything:

“Two of Everything” concludes the series with a deep closure.

Secrets await discovery through specific actions that trigger secret clips.

The revelation of The One’s dual existence within Marissa and John adds a unique layer to the narrative.

Key points

Dual Existence of the One:

The revelation of The One’s simultaneous presence within Marissa and John is a central theme.

Activating secret clips is the key to unraveling deeper layers of this intriguing phenomenon.

Marissa’s Features:

Marissa’s various roles offer insight into her character’s evolution throughout the chapters.

“Ambrosio,” “Minsky,” and “Two of Everything” each contribute to his multifaceted journey.

Revealing secrets:

The careful activation of secret clips during specific scenes enriches the narrative by providing hidden information.

The Immortality series walkthrough offers readers an immersive experience, guiding them through the intricacies of narrative progression. By following this guide, readers can discover the depths of the character dynamics, hidden revelations, and the haunting ending featured in “Two of Everything.” Whether uncovering secrets or tracing character development, this walkthrough serves as an indispensable companion for fully immersing yourself in the world of Immortality.

immortality guide

Discover the intricate world of Immortality, a captivating game from Sam Barlow, the creator behind Her Story and Telling Lies. This ambitious game weaves a complex narrative with multiple layers for players to reveal. The story revolves around Marissa Marcel, a rising star who mysteriously disappeared along with her movies. What happened to Marissa and her movies? This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough to help players discover the secrets of Immortality. The content is current as of October 6, 2022.

unraveling the mechanics

Unlike its predecessors, Immortality is all about watching video clips and selecting key people to unlock more content. This intricate puzzle, with no definitive ‘ending’, can be overwhelming for newcomers. Here are some essential tips for new players to discover all the hidden elements of Immortality.

Before you dig in, read the “About” page for some basic background information.

Familiarize yourself with the general history, filming dates, and brief thoughts on each film.

Choose to play with the controller:

Even on a PC, using a controller is recommended for smoother clip navigation.

Controller noise provides clues during crucial moments, enhancing the gaming experience.

Click Background Elements:

Accumulate clips quickly by clicking featured background elements.

Clicking on eye-catching items like chairs, apples, and more brings up related clips.

Organize clips by date:

Arrange clips based on their sequence of appearance or shooting order.

This approach helps build both the film’s plot and the overall narrative.

Use a Notepad:

Manage the complexity of the game by using a notepad to jot down key details.

Particularly useful for deciphering complex scenes and identifying missing puzzle pieces.

Mark Vital Scenes:

Save featured clips for later reference by clicking the heart symbol.

This practice streamlines clip tracking in the midst of the overwhelming initial phase.

Use the clapperboard:

When you get stuck, repeatedly clicking the click on multiple clips can provide breakthroughs.

Although repetitive, it can reveal elusive scenes yet to be seen.

Practice patience:

Immortality comprises a wide range of clips: a total of 202 movie clips.

Achieving completion requires dedication and patience, leading to rewards and achievements.

The Immortality experience is a puzzle-filled journey of discovery. With meticulous observation, strategic clicking, and patience, players can piece together the enigmatic history surrounding Marissa Marcel and her missing films. Following the advice in this guide will pave the way to uncovering the intricacies of Immortality, granting you a deeper understanding of its multifaceted narrative.

game of immortality

Immortality introduces players to an engaging gaming experience that revolves around unraveling the mysteries surrounding the fictional model-turned-actress, Marissa Marcel (played by Manon Gage).

The game immerses players in a narrative that revolves around Marissa’s involvement in three previously unreleased films spanning the years 1968, 1970, and 1999.

However, Marissa has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, serving as the central enigma that players are tasked with deciphering. Immortality’s gameplay draws inspiration from Sam Barlow’s previous works Her Story and Telling Lies, and incorporates immersive full-motion video (FMV) to weave an intricate narrative tapestry.

The central narrative revolves around Marissa Marcel, a model-turned-actress who starred in three films at different times.

These films, dated 1968, 1970 and 1999, remain unreleased, deepening the mystery.

Marissa’s sudden disappearance forms the central puzzle that players must solve.

Immortality employs FMV as the primary storytelling medium, where video clips are used to convey the narrative.

Players interact with these clips to piece together the events and discover Marissa’s fate.

Game mechanics:

Players start with a single clip from one of three movies. Interaction involves pausing the clip and clicking on people or items of interest.

The game responds by featuring related clips from the movies, along with behind-the-scenes footage, TV clips, and interviews.

This wide range of content allows players to delve into the story and look for connections between characters and events.

By selecting key people or items, players unlock a network of interconnected clips.

These clips span all three previously unseen films, offering behind-the-scenes information and additional context through interviews and television segments.

Immortality builds on the design philosophy of Barlow’s previous titles Her Story and Telling Lies. Just like in those games, players explore interconnected video clips to piece together a complex narrative.

Immortality’s gameplay focuses on narrative exploration, with players piecing together pieces to form a cohesive story.

The challenge is to decipher the relationships between the characters, discover motivations, and shed light on Marissa’s disappearance.

Immersing players in the captivating world of Marissa Marcel’s untold story, Immortality combines full-motion video with interactive gameplay to create an intricate and engaging storytelling experience.

The fusion of game mechanics, the FMV presentation, and the mysterious disappearance of Marissa serve as a compelling framework that encourages players to explore, deduce, and unravel the enigmatic threads woven throughout the game.

Immortality Wiki

“Immortality” stands as a fascinating and immersive game, created by Sam Barlow, the creative mind behind “Her Story” and “Telling Lies”. This interactive experience delves into the complex narrative of Marissa Marcel, a fictional model turned actress. Spanning three distinct eras – 1968, 1970 and 1999 – the game plunges players into a world of enigma, where Marissa’s involvement in previously unseen films is shrouded in mystery. Players navigate this enigmatic journey using innovative game mechanics, reminiscent of Barlow’s earlier works.

Immortality, a captivating interactive cinematic video game, emerged in 2022 as the brainchild of Sam Barlow, developed and published by Half Mermaid Productions.

This innovative experience offers players a unique combination of storytelling and interactive gameplay, drawing them into a world of mystery and intrigue.

With its multi-platform release and distinctive approach to storytelling, “Immortality” has garnered attention across a variety of gaming and entertainment outlets.

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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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