I Want To Go Home Oliver Anthony Lyrics: Challenges of Changing World

Oliver Anthony song release

Oliver Anthony has continued to make a splash in the music industry following the overnight success of his hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond.” His latest release, “I Want To Go Home,” is another powerful musical statement that addresses pressing social and political issues.

“I Want To Go Home” delves into the theme of a world on the brink of war, with poignant lyrics that reflect the anxieties and worries of our time. Lines like “We’re on the brink of the next World War and I don’t think anybody’s praying anymore” and “Every damn day is always some kind of bill to pay, people just do what the rich man says” underline the focus of the song on the global and social challenges facing people.

The music video for “I Want To Go Home” adds an extra layer of depth to the song’s message. It concludes with a thought-provoking Bible verse shown in the text: “What profit will it be to a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” This verse underscores the idea that material gain and power can come at the expense of one’s moral and spiritual well-being, a theme that runs through much of Oliver Anthony’s work.

Following the huge success of “Rich Men North of Richmond,” which quickly rose to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Oliver Anthony has risen to the national spotlight. It’s remarkable how this Appalachian songwriter, who humbly insists he’s “nothing special,” has captured the attention and hearts of millions with his music and lyrics.

In a recent Facebook post, Oliver Anthony candidly shared his personal struggles with mental health and alcohol use. He expressed his deep sadness at the state of the world and lamented the division that the Internet has fostered among people. He views the Internet as a destructive force, describing it as “a parasite that infects the minds of humans.”

Despite its modest nature, Oliver Anthony’s music has resonated with a large audience precisely because it comes from a place of pure authenticity. He wrote these songs during a period of personal suffering and his emotional connection to the lyrics shines through in his performances. In an era of polished productions and fabricated characters, Anthony’s music represents a return to the no-frills, soulful style that many believe is a hallmark of genuine folk and country music.

“I Want To Go Home” is sure to continue the conversation started by Oliver Anthony’s previous work, touching on the themes that resonate with listeners and providing a voice for those who share his concerns about the world. As his music continues to gain traction, it’s clear that this “idiot and his guitar” have struck a chord with a nation that seeks authenticity and meaning in music and art.

I want to go home Oliver Anthony Lyrics

Well, if it wasn’t for my old dogs and the good Lord, they’d have me hanging in the psych ward because every day living in this new world is too many days for me.

Son we are on the brink of the next world war and I don’t think anyone is praying anymore and I’m not saying I know for sure I’m just on my knees

Begging Lord take me home I want to go home I don’t know which way to go It’s been so long I just know I didn’t used to wake up feeling like this Cursing myself every damn day There’s always some kind of bill to pay People just do what they say rich men: i want to go home

Now four generations farm the land. The grandson sells it to a man from out of town. And two weeks later, the trees fall down. There is only cement growing around.

And I want to go home I want to go home I don’t know which way to go It’s been so long I just know I didn’t used to wake up feeling like this Cursing myself every damn day People have really gone and lost They all just do what the TV says : I want to go home.

If it wasn’t for my old dogs and the good Lord, they’d have me hanging in the mental ward.


The song I Want To Go Home reflects the curse of the changing world

The lyrics of Oliver Anthony’s “I Want To Go Home” convey a deep sense of nostalgia, longing and discontent with the changing world. The song reflects the perspective of someone who feels out of place in a rapidly changing society and longs for a simpler and more authentic way of life.

In the first lines, the singer acknowledges the importance of his “old dogs” and faith in the “good Lord.” These elements provide a sense of stability and comfort in an otherwise challenging world, suggesting that without them, the singer might feel overwhelmed by life’s difficulties, perhaps even to the point of mental anguish.

The chorus serves as the emotional heart of the song, where the singer implores passionately to the divine, saying, “Beggin’, Lord, take me home / I want to go home.” These lines express a deep longing to return to a place where he feels at home, where life was simpler and more fulfilling.

The first verse addresses the broader state of the world, highlighting the imminent threat of global conflict. The singer observes that people seem to have lost the inclination to pray or seek spiritual comfort in the face of so much uncertainty. He paints a picture of a society overwhelmed by the anxieties of modern life.

The second verse paints a vivid picture of rural life evolving into something unrecognizable. It refers to the disappearance of traditions, as generations of farmers sell their land to outsiders, leading to the destruction of nature and the proliferation of concrete structures. This transformation symbolizes the loss of a connection to the land and a way of life that once brought a sense of belonging.

The last lines of the song reiterate the importance of “old dogs” and faith in the “good Lord” as pillars of support and stability in the singer’s life. They reinforce the idea that without these elements, the challenges and changes in the world could have a detrimental impact on the singer’s mental well-being.

“I Want To Go Home” is a moving song that captures the feeling of someone longing to return to a simpler, more authentic life in the face of a rapidly changing and uncertain world. It’s a heartfelt reflection on the value of fellowship, faith, and longing for a place where you truly feel at home.

I want to go home Song Details

song title

I want to go home


Oliver Anthony


Oliver AnthonyMusic


Oliver Anthony


I want to go home



Release year


About Oliver Anthony

Oliver Anthony, whose real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford, is an American singer-songwriter known for his captivating blend of country and folk music. His music resonates with audiences for its authenticity and emotionally charged lyrics.

In August 2023, Oliver Anthony achieved a notable career milestone by independently releasing the single “Rich Men North of Richmond”. This song quickly rose up the charts, making an amazing debut at the number 1 position on the prestigious Billboard Hot 100 chart. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that Oliver Anthony had no history of charting in any form. This remarkable feat catapulted him into the spotlight and cemented his status as a rising star in the music industry.

Oliver Anthony’s success with “Rich Men North of Richmond” can be attributed to his ability to connect with listeners on a deep and meaningful level. His lyrics often touch on issues of social and economic struggles, reflecting the concerns of many in today’s world. His music serves as a voice for those seeking authenticity and a genuine representation of the human experience.

With his unique style and powerful storytelling, Oliver Anthony is making a significant impact in the world of country-folk music. His rise to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 without a prior chart record underscores the universal appeal of his music and the emotional resonance of his songs. As his career continues to flourish, audiences eagerly anticipate what he will bring to the music scene next.

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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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