Cyberpunk 2077 Gunslinger Build, Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay

cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an immersive and highly anticipated video game set in a dystopian future. Developed by CD Projekt Red, the creators of The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 takes players on a thrilling journey through the sprawling metropolis of Night City.

Set in the year 2077, the game features a world where advanced technology has become deeply embedded in all aspects of society. Players take on the role of V, a mercenary who navigates the treacherous streets of Night City in search of power, fame, and survival.

The game’s cyberpunk setting is characterized by its gritty and dark atmosphere, where mega-corporations reign and the line between humans and machines is blurred. Cybernetic augmentations and enhancements are commonplace, allowing people to enhance their physical abilities and connect their minds directly to the digital world.

Within Night City, players encounter a wide range of characters, from street gangs and ruthless criminals to shady fixers and influential corporate figures. Decisions made by players have far-reaching consequences, shaping not only the fate of V but also the fate of the city itself.

Gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077 offers a mix of first-person shooter, exploration, and RPG elements. Players can customize their character’s appearance, abilities, and backstory, allowing for a personalized and immersive experience. The game also features a dynamic open world, where players can freely explore Night City’s various districts, each with its own distinct culture and challenges.

One of the most prominent features of Cyberpunk 2077 is its narrative-driven gameplay, which presents players with a multitude of branching stories and complex moral decisions. These choices can lead to different outcomes, shaping the relationships that are formed and influencing the overall plot.

With its stunning visuals, intricate storytelling, and immersive gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 promises to be an unforgettable experience for fans of the cyberpunk genre and gamers alike. As players delve deeper into the neon-drenched streets of Night City, they will discover a world filled with intrigue, danger, and the constant struggle for power in a society on the brink of collapse.

Cyberpunk 2077 Gunslinger Build

Take the Gunslinger approach and harness raw firepower along with body, cool, and reflex attributes to elevate your firearms prowess. This path thrives on precision, using Tasers or Shotguns to deal powerful damage in a single shot, targeting headshots and exploits. For those who aspire to create a cyber-enhanced cowboy sniper, the melding of skills, attributes, and perks allows for the creation of the ultimate gunslinger in the realm of Cyberpunk 2077.

Immerse yourself in the realm of Cyberpunk 2077 and navigate through five skill categories to master them. These encompass:


  • Adds 5 health
  • Add 3 resistance
  • Increases the damage of gorilla arms and fists by 3
  • Increases melee weapon damage by 1.5%.
  • Decreases the movement penalty when wielding a minigun while grappling an enemy by 6%.


  • Raises passive evasion against enemy attacks by 1%.
  • Increases critical chance by 1%
  • Amplifies the damage of Mantis Blades by 3

Technical ability

  • Allows unlocking of doors
  • Improves armor by 5%.


  • Amplifies critical damage by 2%.
  • Increases all resistances by 1%.
  • Increases stealth damage by 10%.
  • Reduces enemy detection speed while stealthed by 0.5%.
  • Raises mono cable damage by 3


  • Increases the cyberdeck’s RAM capacity by 4%
  • Increases quick hack damage by 0.5%.
  • Extends the duration of quick hack by 1%

To build an effective Gunslinger build, channel points into Body, Reflexes, and Cool. This strategy emphasizes critical hits and evasion. For the shotgun or machine gun enthusiast, investing in technical skill allows you to create powerful weaponry.

Players must proceed to choose their perks. For those who lean towards shotguns or machine guns, Gunslinger’s optimal perks include:

  • Standoff: Increases chest damage by 10%.
  • Blood Rush – Increases combat movement speed by 5% while holding a shotgun or light machine gun.
  • Gun Whisperer – Prevents the automatic firing of fully charged tech weapons.
  • Waste Not Want – Return attached mods when disassembling an item
  • Edgerunner Artisan: Allows you to create legendary items.
  • Bulldozer – Improves critical chance with shotguns and light machine guns by 10%
  • In Your Face – Level one reduces shotgun and LMG reload time by 20%, level two reduces recoil by 40%

For the cold-blooded gunslinger’s favored approach, which relies on Tasers for formidable damage, crucial perks include:

  • Standoff: Increases chest damage by 10%.
  • Rio Bravo – Increases pistol headshot damage multiplier by 10%
  • Waste Not Want – Retrieves attached mods when disarming the item
  • Attrition Fire: Sequential pistol or revolver shots amplify damage by 10%
  • Wild West: Removes the damage penalty from Ranged Pistols and Revolvers
  • OK Corral: Deal 50% increased damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies below 25% health.
  • Noon: Increases the critical chance of pistols and revolvers by 4%.
  • On the fly: Reduces draw/holster time for pistols and revolvers by 25%
  • Desperado: Improves the damage of pistols and revolvers by 6%
  • Gunslinger: Decreases the reload time of pistols and revolvers by 10%.
  • Steady Hand: Decreases pistol and revolver recoil by 30%.
  • Vanishing Point: After dodging with a pistol or revolver equipped, gain 25% increased evasion for 6 seconds.
  • Long Shot Drop Pop: Increases the damage of pistols and revolvers to enemies more than 5 meters away by 15%.
  • Westworld – Increases the critical chance of pistols and revolvers by 10% when fully modded
  • Head to Toe: Amplifies limb damage with pistols and revolvers by 7%.
  • Brainpower: After a successful shot, increases the critical chance of pistols and revolvers by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • Acrobat – Execute dodges while aiming a pistol or revolver.
  • For A Fistful Of Eurodollars: Increases critical damage with pistols and revolvers by 10%
  • Snowball Effect: Defeating an enemy increases the fire speed of pistols and revolvers by 5% for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Lead Sponge – Shoot pistols and revolvers while dodging
  • Grand Finale: Last round with pistol or revolver magazine deals double damage
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: After a critical strike, damage and armor are increased by 30% for 5 seconds.

For those who employ pistols or shotguns and machine guns, the benefits of Cold Blooded are recommended, including:

  • Cold Blooded: Grants a movement speed increase for 10 seconds and a critical chance increase when killing enemies.
  • Will to Survive: Improves stamina with each kill.
  • Critical Condition: Extends the duration of Cold Blooded
  • Rapid Blood Flow: Amplifies health regeneration in and out of combat based on Cold Blooded stacks.
  • Defensive Clot: Increases armor with each stack of Cold Blooded.
  • Cold and Calculating – Improves the chance to acquire Cold Blood Stack on critical hits
  • Coolagulant: Prevents the loss of more than one buildup of cold blood, extending the benefits.
  • Wolverine: Speeds up health regeneration during combat by 50% at level one and 90% at level two.
  • Regeneration: Allows you to recover health in combat.
  • Invincible: Increases maximum health by up to 30%.
  • Epimorphosis: Facilitates health regeneration up to 90% out of combat.
  • Divided attention: reload weapons while running, sliding and jumping
  • Cardio Cure – Increases health regeneration by 25% while moving
  • War Dog: Increases health regeneration in combat by up to 20%

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay

The gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 offers an exciting and immersive experience, combining various game elements to create a rich and dynamic world. From exploration to combat to character customization to decision-making, the game offers players a deep and engaging gaming experience.

At the heart of Cyberpunk 2077 is its open world setting, Night City. Players are free to explore this sprawling metropolis, which consists of six distinct districts, each with its own unique atmosphere and challenges. From the towering corporate skyscrapers of downtown to the lawless streets of Pacifica, a city rife with combat, Night City is a vibrant and dangerous place to navigate.

As players venture through Night City, they can interact with a wide range of characters, each with their own backstories and motivations. These interactions can lead to side quests, quests, and opportunities to form alliances or create enemies. The decisions players make have consequences and shape the narrative and the world around them.

Combat in Cyberpunk 2077 is fast-paced and action-packed. Players can engage in melee and ranged combat using a vast arsenal of futuristic weapons and cybernetic enhancements. Whether you prefer stealthy takedowns, all-out gunfights, or a combination of both, the game offers multiple approaches to handling various combat situations.

Character customization is a key aspect of the gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077. Players can create their own unique version of V, the game’s protagonist, by selecting his appearance, attributes, and abilities. As players progress, they can further enhance their characters’ abilities through cybernetic augmentations, unlocking new skills and abilities to suit their preferred playstyle.

In addition to the main story, Cyberpunk 2077 is packed with side activities and mini-games that add depth to the gameplay experience. Players can participate in hacking, car chases, street racing, and even participate in Braindance, a virtual reality experience that allows players to relive the memories of others.

The game also emphasizes player choice, allowing the player to shape the outcome of the story through their decisions. These choices can affect the relationships V forms with other characters and even determine the fate of Night City. This branching narrative adds replayability and encourages players to explore different paths and possibilities.

With its immersive open world, dynamic combat, character customization, and impactful decision-making, the gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 promises to deliver an exciting and unforgettable experience for players. Whether you choose to be a ruthless mercenary, a skilled hacker, or a charismatic negotiator, the game offers a multitude of options to forge your own path in the cyberpunk world of Night City.

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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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