Big Brother Season 25: How to Vote for the Big Brother Season 25 Houseguests?

Big Brother season 25: How to vote for the guests of Big Brother season 25?

To participate in the Big Brother season 25 guest voting, CBS offers convenient options through its website and the CBS app. To cast your vote, follow these steps and guidelines provided by CBS:

  • Visit the official CBS Big Brother page at
  • Access the voting platform using your computer or mobile device.
  • Cast your vote for your favorite guests according to the instructions provided.
  • Please note that data charges may apply if you vote using a mobile device.

Please note the schedule for the specific voting period, which generally begins on the date and time indicated and ends on the date and time specified (for example, from 6:45 p.m. Pacific Time on August 24, 2023 until 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on August 28, 2023). .

Wiki Big Brother Season 25

“Big Brother 25” marks a major milestone as the twenty-fifth installment of the iconic American reality show, “Big Brother.” The season made its debut on August 2, 2023, and aired on CBS in the United States and on Global in Canada. Anticipation for this landmark season was heightened by a 25th anniversary special that aired on July 26, setting the stage for the final chapter of the show’s captivating journey.

Guided by experienced host Julie Chen Moonves, the show continues to captivate audiences with its unique premise. “Big Brother 25” follows a group of contestants, affectionately known as HouseGuests, who meet in a shared house. This living arrangement has a twist: The contestants are under constant surveillance, with cameras recording their every move, conversation, and interaction.

One of the defining elements of the show is the isolation of the HouseGuests from the outside world. Cut off from communication with family, friends, and the Internet, they are thrust into an environment where alliances are formed, strategies are devised, and alliances can change in the blink of an eye. HouseGuests participate in various challenges, tasks, and competitions that test their mental, physical, and strategic prowess.

The ultimate goal of these HouseGuests is to outwit, outplay, and outlast their fellow competitors as they compete for the coveted $750,000 grand prize. This substantial reward serves as a testament to the intensity of the challenges they face and the decisions they make to secure their place in the competition. With each passing season, “Big Brother” maintains its ability to captivate viewers by exploring the dynamics of human interaction, strategy and competition.

The show’s combination of drama, alliances, betrayals and unexpected twists continues to draw audiences into the HouseGuests’ journey, making “Big Brother 25” a notable addition to the franchise’s legacy. As the season progresses, viewers can anticipate suspenseful moments and heartwarming connections, all while witnessing the strategic gameplay that defines this beloved reality show.

Big Brother season 25 plot

“Big Brother 25” presents a captivating television experience where HouseGuests live in a purpose-built and equipped house with constant surveillance, giving viewers a 24/7 glimpse into their lives. Cut off from the outside world, contestants share their thoughts in the private Diary Room, as they compete weekly for power and safety. At the start of each week, a Head of Household (HoH) competition determines the HoH’s immunity and nominations for eviction.

This is followed by the Power of Veto (PoV) competition, involving the HoH, nominees, and randomly selected entrants. Nominations can be amended by the PoV winner, and eviction decisions are made by private vote, excluding the HoH and nominees. In the event of a tie, the HoH casts the tie-breaking vote. The last nine evicted HouseGuests form the jury, removed from the game and then decide the victor of the season.

The audience also contributes by voting for “America’s Favorite Guest”, except for those who leave voluntarily or due to rule violations. This unique reality show combines strategic gameplay, competition, and social dynamics to determine the ultimate winner of “Big Brother 25.”

Big Brother season 25 contestants




america lopez


medical receptionist

kim blue


brand strategist

bowie jane ball

Four. Five

Lawyer and DJ

cameron hardin

3. 4

stay at home dad

Cirie Campos


surgical director

cory wurtenberger


College student

Felicia Cannon


Real estate agent

Elizabeth “Izzy” Gleicher


professional flutist

jag baths


trucking company owner

Jared Fields



Matt Klotz


Deaflympics gold medalist

Mecole “Meme” Hayes


political consultant

red utley



Hisam Goueli

Four. Five

geriatric doctor

reilly smedley



Kirsten Elwin


molecular biologist

Luke Valentine



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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: Hello Kitty Kindergarten

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